Saturday, May 15, 2010

Is it true that kissing help prevent tooth decay?

When kissing more saliva is produce.

Saliva plays a major role in the health of the oral cavity and the entire body. Saliva is made up primarily of water but also contains digestive enzymes, such as amylase, and minerals. The flow of saliva helps to wash off microorganisms from the teeth and soft tissues of the mouth that cause bacterial, viral, and yeast infections. Saliva does more than simply cleanse materials from the teeth. Saliva contains molecules that can kill or inhibit microorganisms; it is the body's own antibiotic. Saliva also helps preserve the teeth by bathing them with protective minerals, such as calcium, phosphate, and fluoride, that make the enamel on the surface of the tooth stronger. These minerals can aid in the early repair of tooth decay through the process of remineralization.

Another special quality of saliva is its ability to neutralize acids. Acids are produced in the mouth when certain oral bacteria break down food particles.These acids, when held onto the tooth surface, destroy enamel and cause tooth decay. However, saliva neutralizes the acids produced by plaque bacteria. Thus, saliva protects the teeth from demineralization and tooth decay.

Is it true that kissing help prevent tooth decay?
i heard that too

not sure

but when someone explained it to me i remebered it made sense so i say yes
Reply:Wow... where did you hear that? This this way too obvious to be untrue!!!
Reply:Well, yeah... I'm not sure.

Aside from many other benefits :)

As if we need any other reason to kiss...
Reply:dont know but if that is true then.... YAY!!!
Reply:no, but brushing your teeth regularally, and laying off the snacks definetly will....
Reply:I have heard that kissing increases saliva production (which it does) and that in turn helps keep the teeth and gums healtier

Also to note that kissing spreads germs from your kissing partner..........

So while it may help prevent tooth decay, it may cause other sickness............

so Choose your kissing partners wisely, and remember to brush and floss regularly.

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