Thursday, November 12, 2009

Drugs and tooth decay?

ok, first off i do not do drugs and never have. i just was wondering if people that use coke or crack have the tooth decay due to the drug and why?

Drugs and tooth decay?
I don't know of any direct link to the use of coke or crack and the breakdown of enamel. However, cocaine does often cause involuntary tooth grinding, known as bruxism, which can deteriorate tooth enamel and lead to gingivitis. Since coke numbs the gums, it will prevent a person from knowing a problem exists and general health is often affected which includes teeth.
Reply:yes coke and crack cause a persons teeth to rot and them to loose weight.. really not sure why but if u ever see a crack head they usually have no teeth n r really skinny
Reply:Pumkin is on the right track with bruxism. I would like to add a few things: first, crack is smoked, and smoking anything (weed, cigarettes, cloves, meth, opium, whatever) rots your teeth. Second, you now how in the movies, some toughguy does a line of coke, then he wipes the surface with his finger and scrubs it on his teeth? That ruins enamel. Finally, if you are smoking crack and sorting coke, you probably don't give a rat's bum about your health - drugs give you other priorities - so an addict is probably not eating balanced meals and flossing regularly.
Reply:Yep, it's called "Meth Mouth" and it's commonly caused when

drug addicts are so strung out they don't take care of them-

selves any more, so they're dirty everywhere. Also there are

all kinds of crazy chemicals in Meth, from Draino to paint

thinner, who knows what is in there? It rots the teeth. Plus

when they are high, they want to eat lots of really sugary


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