Saturday, November 14, 2009

What causes tooth decay?

could it be malnutrition or is it some kind of poisoning? Fluoride?

What causes tooth decay?
Poor diet, lack of calcium, plaque, poor dental hygiene and the worst causing tooth decay of all is Sugar....
Reply:Malnutrition, streetdrugs, or just being nasty!
Reply:I think its plaque build up and then after a while it starts to decay, but I'm not 100% sure on that one.
Reply:Tooth decay, which is also called dental cavities or dental caries, is the destruction of the outer surface (enamel) of a tooth. Decay results from the action of bacteria that live in plaque, which is a sticky, whitish film formed by a protein in saliva (mucin) and sugary substances in the mouth. The plaque bacteria sticking to tooth enamel use the sugar and starch from food particles in the mouth to produce acid.

Bad dental care
Reply:Genetics plays an enormous part in the progress of tooth problems. Talk to middle-aged people who have lots of cavities, and they will probably report that their parents had a lot of cavities too. Talk to those who have few or no cavities, and their parents probably have few or no cavities either. I have peers in the field of medicine who brush their teeth, use mouthwash, and floss religiously, and still have 2 to 4 new cavities at each dentist appointment. Others brush their teeth once a day and almost never floss or use mouthwash and they have never had a cavity.

Other causes of tooth decay include having an acidic mouth pH, such as from drinking acidic beverages like tomato juice or softdrinks. Failing to brush regularly is another major cause, as well as the consumption of foods that contain a great deal of refined sugars, such as candy and ice cream - particularly before bed - if one does not brush their teeth before bed.
Reply:Coke, Chocolate, And most of the unhealthy food.

You cant eat any thing. Lmao.

Mouthwash will prevent it.
Reply:brush often. at least twice per day. preferably after everry meal.

also use a good mouth rinse. every day. morning and nite. always brush and rinse before bed and dont eat drink after that (except water)

get plenty of calcium, milk cheese and dairy products, also supplements, but remember with cheese etc the calories involved!!!
Reply:Plaque on the teeth interact with sugars in the food/drink to produce an acid. The acid attacks the teeth surfaces during food/drink consumption and continues to attack the teeth 20-30 minutes afterwards.

Malnutrition can contribute, especially malnutrition in not getting enough calcium, or nutrients that contribute to calcium absorption, such as magnesium and vitamin D. The hard enamel of the teeth is almost all calcium. Calcium is also critical for other body functions, such as muscle contraction. If calcium is not available in the body for these immediate needs, will be "robbed" from calcium reserves in the bones and teeth, leading to other problems in the long run, including greater susceptibility to osteoporosis, broken bones, and tooth decay.

Fluoride in proper (very moderate!) amounts can help to redeposit calcium on the teeth.
Reply:teeth decaying

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